Pacific Coast Bicycle Tour: Meet the Riders

Bicycle Touring, United States

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By Ryan Gargiulo

Pacific Coast Bicycle Tour - Meet the Riders

So, you read about our upcoming Pacific Coast Bicycle Tour, now it’s time to meet the riders.

The story behind the friendship of Will and I goes way back. All the way back to the third grade, as a matter of fact. It was my first year going to school in Bridgewater (my current hometown) as I had just moved there from Brockton over the summer. I remember being nervous entering a new school, not knowing anyone and wondering if I would end up making any friends.

Then, I met Will.

I remember heading back into the backpack area to grab my lunch and for one reason or another Will’s fist met my face. It was one of those moments when you’re young and you fight with a neighborhood kid and within minutes of the fight being over, you’re best friends. No? Never had one of those moments? The only difference is that there was no fight. It was a simple, “Hey! [insert PUNCH here] and it was over.

To this day, neither of us can remember why he assaulted me. Considering that we should be spending a lot of downtime together on this trip, I’ve decided that one of my goals for this trip is to somehow go back in time and piece the story together. You know, like CSI? I’m determined to find out why I was punched in the face, one way or another.

Speaking of the devil, I think this is a perfect time to segway into Will’s bio.


Sports, physical fitness, and traveling are three components that define my life. As a young buck I grew up with a world explorer for a mother and her lifestyle not only molded my passion for travel but she would often take me along for the ride. Although I have been around the world and have visited most of the continental U.S. all before high school, I still feel I’m new to the travel game.

In high school I found myself more of an athlete than a traveler. I eventually earned a scholarship to play football at the University of New Hampshire. As a Wildcat I studied sports medicine and received my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. Currently, I am pursuing a Master of Science degree in Physical Education with a concentration in Strength and Conditioning.

Ryan Bicycle

I’m currently a full-time travel blogger and owner/editor-in-chief of Pause The Moment.

I offer freelance services such as Computer Repair, WordPress, Web Design, Website Maintenance, Social Media Consultation and more.

I have a passion for travel, fitness, and inspiring people to travel to international destinations they might not have ever thought of visiting.

I’m LIVING, BREATHING and EXPLORING until I can’t anymore!

Next up, you’ll find out more about our route, where we plan on stopping along the way and more. Stay tuned!

9 thoughts on “Pacific Coast Bicycle Tour: Meet the Riders”

  1. Hi there,

    Such a joy reading your blog. I am a frequent visitor and I will make your last phrase my philosophy of life, ‘Living, breathing and exploring, till I can’t no more’.

    • Thanks. No I have never been to India or Malaysia. I stopped into Kuala Lumpur on my way to Bali back in 2010, but didn’t leave the airport.

  2. Wow.. that should be an interesting trip. Maybe you can sneak in a quick punch while Will isn’t looking. Payback and what not. Do it while your sleeping and then just say you were having a bad dream and didn’t realize your fist flung out.
    On a side note I remember seeing a blog about a guy going cross country on a bike and mention the site
    A site for touring cyclists. Anyways something to check out if you didn’t already know about it. Enjoy.

    • Hey Thomas, yeah it should be pretty awesome. Might have to throw a sucker punch at some point in the trip to get even! Haha. The dream idea is genius. Yeah, I’ve seen warmshowers, very interesting. Might give that a shot once or twice along the way.

  3. Fist meets face. Awesome.

    Second, “As a young buck…” I can hear Will telling his bio and it’s hilarious.

    Have fun guys, wish I was still going to be in Monterey when you were here. Just beyond Monterey, you are going to be blown away by the Big Sur coast.

    BUT DO NOT PASS UP CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA!!! Just take 5 minutes and check out the beautiful beach there. And if you have some extra money/loot, go to Mundaka restaurant for some Tapas – one of the coolest spaces around with really good (albeit pricey) food.


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