Best Online Teaching Job While Traveling Abroad

Travel Tips

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By Ryan Gargiulo

In recent weeks and months, many countries have begun to reopen their borders and welcome international travelers again, which is great news all round for those wishing to work abroad. Of course, having more options in anything is a good thing, and this is certainly the case with choosing where to work.

For some people, finding a place where the weather is just right is the most important factor to take into consideration, whereas for others the earning potential is more essential. For others, the cost of living plays a major role, while there are those who take into account aspects such as the expat community when making their choice.

In any case, the ability to work online is now available from pretty much anywhere, meaning that the capacity to do projects remotely is easier than ever before. As long as you find internet service in my area that is reliable and strong, you should be able to teach online no matter where in the world you happen to be.

One such position where working online really pays off is in the field of TEFL (or Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Below are some of the reasons why teaching TEFL online is the perfect way to supplement those travel experiences.

Flexible working hours

Due to the fact that the world has at least twenty four unique time zones (more, depending on who you ask), this opens up the possibility of theoretically working at pretty much any time. This is great news if you are either an early bird or a night owl, as it means that hours can be chosen to fit around your own sleep schedule and productivity rhythms.

It also enables the option of working in person, or studying, while located in a specific country. For instance, the teach English in Vietnam guide from the TEFL Org outlines just how easy it is to get trained and certified at a speed and cost which is accessible to pretty much everyone, all while providing quality content and expert support along the way.

Finally, the Internet unlocks previously inaccessible working hours, including evenings and weekends, to those who prefer to work at those times. In the past, with the 9 to 5 timetable locked in for most, it would be extremely difficult to figure out an alternative, but now the online sphere offers the ideal chance to work at a rate and amount that is suitable for each TEFL teacher.

Learning new things

In today’s contemporary digital world, it’s important to be adaptable and react quickly to the changing conditions in the workplace. In fact, one of the top skills that many employers are now seeking is that flexibility in the real world, showing the capacity of the potential employee to adapt and bend to unique and unexpected scenarios.

For this, being a TEFL teacher online is the optimal springboard to get this real world experience first hand, as every single class provides the opportunity to dive deeply into the world of others. From food and drink, to clothing and traditions, all nations and cultures have their own special take on the world around them, and a TEFL teacher will have no trouble at all finding students who are willing to share these customs with them, ideally through practicing English at the same time.

In addition, the knowledge that a TEFL teacher learns from their international students can be directly used to help them become a more informed traveler. In fact, it can aid any TEFL tutor and traveler to become more knowledgeable about the country they are traveling to, whether that be finding out more about a site of national importance or a person with a distinct talent  

Extra money

During recent times, it feels as though inflation has permeated into every part of modern life, from petrol prices to groceries. As a result, many individuals are finding it harder and harder to stretch their budget, as well as pay for the little extra luxuries that traveling can afford.

To combat this, working online as a TEFL tutor may be the answer. First of all, the pay earned can go directly into a travel fund, allowing the possibility of working and traveling at the same time. On top of that, teaching TEFL remotely means that it is possible to work from anywhere, potentially saving money and time on an arduous daily commute.

Furthermore, as a result of having access to a global pool of potential students, the TEFL instructor could theoretically earn even more in a short space of time, perhaps by making some weeks busier, so that the piggy bank might fill up even faster. Consequently, the goal of traveling around should be a touch more comfortable with a bit of extra spending money in the back pocket, and a bit more time to focus on exploring the country of interest.

Career skill building

Although it is extremely tempting as a global traveler to focus on the moment, and understandably so, everyone ought to have at least half an eye on the future. This could be in the form of ensuring there is enough money saved away for retirement, or the type of career one wishes to have in five, ten, or even twenty years time.

Becoming a TEFL tutor gives a platform to look at the perspectives of today and tomorrow. In the short term, the components of teaching include lesson planning, instruction, guiding, scaffolding, feedback, and evaluation. 

Lesson planning means thinking ahead for the types of things a student might like to learn about, or need to know, to be successful in the English language. Instruction means putting this idea into a form that is comprehensible and easy to follow.

Guiding is where a student might need a little bit of extra support, be it to do with grammar or vocabulary, or just a bit of understanding after a hard day in their own life. Scaffolding is the ability to take the same basic premise, and layer it in a way that each learner can get at their own pace.

Feedback is the manner in which a TEFL teacher corrects mistakes, and provides advice on how to get to the next level. Finally, evaluation is the end result of assessment through a unit of learning, and provides a measurable yardstick so that the pupil knows exactly where they are on their learning journey.

All of these skills are essential to becoming a top TEFL tutor, and are transferable to every other facet of living these days. 

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